Understanding Mesothelioma Symptoms

Understanding Mesothelioma Symptoms: If you were exposed to asbestos and are now sick with aching chest pain, a persistent cough, fever and other pneumonia or flu-like symptoms, consult with a medical expert as soon as possible. Because of the similarity of the symptoms to lung cancer, and the delayed onset of the illnesses with regard to asbestos exposure, diagnosis of mesothelioma can be difficult. Consultation with a medical expert is a must. In addition, skilled and experienced mesothelioma attorney will fight to obtain any compensation you are entitled to for your medical treatment, pain and suffering, and other losses.

Asbestosis Involves Scarring in the Tissues of the Lung

Asbestosis is a scar formation the lung tissue that results from the exposure to and presence of asbestos fibers. Asbestos is a group of mineral fibers. These fibers, until the 1980s, were commonly used in a variety of industries because of its durability, flexibility, and resistance to heat. The ways that these fibers enter the lungs are through inhalation or swallowing. Because the body is unable to expel the tiny fibers from the lungs, the fibers remain there. Scarring occurs, and this interferes with lung function by blocking the uptake of oxygen from the air in the lungs into the bloodstream. This reduces that amount of oxygenated blood that returns to the heart and other tissues in the body. In addition, the presence of scar tissue in the lung causes stiffening of the lung – a condition that makes it difficult for the lung to expand with a deep breath. Unfortunately, asbestos scarring in the lung is irreversible, and as a general rule, the more exposure, the more scarring.

Mesothelioma is a Cancer of the Lining of the Lung

Mesothelioma often result from work-related asbestos exposure. Pleural Mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the pleura – the layer of tissue that lines the lung. Alternately, mesothelioma may take effect in the peritoneum – the lining of the of abdomen and pericardial – the lining of the heart. Like asbestosis, mesothelioma has a lengthy latency period. In other words, both illnesses typically occur many years after the exposure to asbestos. Ultimately, the evidence that serves as proof of work-related asbestos exposure is scarring of the lung. This scarring is revealed via x-rays or CT scans. In addition to scarring, symptoms also point to the existence of asbestosis and mesothelioma. The symptoms, most notably shortness of breath, become pronounced during common types of physical exertion, such as climbing stairs or carrying groceries. Importantly, when discussing symptoms with both your physician and experienced attorney, carefully detail your asbestos exposure history.

What to Do if You Have Mesothelioma

If you have mesothelioma or are exhibiting symptoms consistent with mesothelioma, seek medical treatment immediately and, thereafter, contact a skilled and experienced mesothelioma and asbestosis attorney. An experienced attorney will work to ensure that you are accurately diagnosed, and fight for any compensation you are entitled to for your medical treatment and pain and suffering.

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