
Do I Need a Specialist to Treat Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a rare disease that develops after a person is exposed to asbestos. Unfortunately, there is still no cure for this rare but fatal illness. However, the good news is there are various treatment options for mesothelioma. If you have a history of asbestos exposure and are experiencing mesothelioma symptoms, you may wonder if any doctor can treat your illness or if you need to find a specialist.

So, do you need a specialist to treat mesothelioma? If you have mesothelioma, you need a specialist to treat you. Not all physicians can treat mesothelioma. A mesothelioma specialist can create a personalized treatment plan for you, depending on your disease type, the stage the disease is in, the cell type, and your characteristics.

Who is a Mesothelioma Doctor?

A mesothelioma doctor or specialist is experienced in diagnosing and treating mesothelioma. This kind of doctor has been specifically trained to diagnose and treat mesothelioma. For this reason, it is vital for patients to seek treatment from a mesothelioma specialist. Mesothelioma doctors are also informed about the newest research and treatment options. A mesothelioma doctor may know about a clinical trial or advanced treatment option that can significantly improve your prognosis.

It is crucial to note that not all mesothelioma doctors may be able to treat you. This is because doctors may specialize in different types of mesothelioma. It is vital that when looking for a specialist, you ensure you are looking for one who specializes in your type of mesothelioma.

Pleural Mesothelioma Treatment

This type of mesothelioma develops in the lungs’ lining and is the most common. Among the professionals who may specialize in treating this type of mesothelioma include medical oncologists and thoracic surgeons. If you have pleural mesothelioma, a specialist may recommend a multimodal or combination treatment plan. According to research, combination treatment plans have been effective in prolonging survival.

The following are some of the multimodal treatment plans for pleural mesothelioma;

  • Chemotherapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP)
  • Radiation therapy
  • Pleurectomy/decortication (P/D)
  • Tumor treating fields (TTFields)

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Treatment

Peritoneal mesothelioma is not as common as pleural mesothelioma. This type of mesothelioma comes in second after pleural mesothelioma. Peritoneal mesothelioma develops in the abdomen’s lining. Surgical oncologists and medical oncologists are just a few of the professionals who may specialize in treating peritoneal mesothelioma. As is often the case with pleural mesothelioma, specialists recommend a multimodal treatment plan for peritoneal mesothelioma patients.

The following are some of the multimodal treatment plans for peritoneal mesothelioma;

  • Chemotherapy
  • EPP
  • Immunotherapy
  • P/D
  • Radiation therapy
  • TTFields

You may also need to undergo palliative treatments if you have peritoneal mesothelioma. Palliative care is aimed at providing mesothelioma patients relief from the symptoms and stress of mesothelioma. With palliative treatments, the primary goal is to improve the quality of life.

Nationwide Mesothelioma Lawyers           

If you or a loved one were diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact our office to speak to one of our experienced nationwide mesothelioma attorneys about your situation. Our office can help investigate your case and determine if compensation can be sought from negligent parties to help you and your family live a more comfortable life.



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