
How to Handle a Mesothelioma Deposition

Depositions are part of the discovery process where involved parties collect information in preparation for the trial. A mesothelioma deposition involves the plaintiff and other parties relevant to the case answering questions or providing testimony under oath. Depositions help the claimant’s and defense’s sides learn more about the case. In other words, mesothelioma depositions are a crucial part of successful lawsuits.

Understandably, claimants and witnesses supporting the claimant might feel nervous before a deposition. Fortunately, mesothelioma lawyers are available to help with preparation. A qualified attorney can help explain in advance the kind of questions the opposing attorney is likely to ask. An attorney can help guide you through the process of a mesothelioma deposition.

Arrive Well-Rested

It may seem impossible to get good sleep the night before a mesothelioma deposition, but a deponent’s testimony depends on a well-rested mind. Some things that might make it easier to get a good night’s sleep the night before a mesothelioma deposition include avoiding foods that may upset the stomach and stimulants after dinnertime.

Do Not Talk Too Much

Talking too much can lead to sharing information that might adversely affect the case outcome. It is best to answer questions directly without offering additional information.

Tell the Truth

Claimants and witnesses in a deposition answer questions and give testimony under oath, so honesty is of utmost importance. Telling lies during a mesothelioma deposition is committing perjury.  There may be penalties if a claimant or witness is caught lying during a mesothelioma deposition.

Do Not Guess if You Do Not Know Something

If the opposing counsel asks a question to which the claimant or witness does not know the answer, it is acceptable to give answers such as, “I don’t remember,” “I don’t know,” or “I am not sure.” A deponent should never feel pressured to guess or agree to something they are unsure of.

Take Your Time

Before answering a question, a plaintiff or witness should take all the time they need. It is also okay for someone to take breaks between questions to ease their mind. Additionally, if a question is unclear, one should ask that it be repeated or clarified.

Don’t Be Defensive

It can be tempting to argue with the opposing attorney. However, it is best to avoid arguments. Apart from avoiding arguments, claimants and witnesses should also avoid sarcasm.

Do Pay Attention to Questions

One might assume that because they prepared for the type of questions the opposing counsel might ask, they know the questions that the opposing counsel will ask. It is not a guarantee that the exact questions a person went through with an attorney before the deposition are the exact ones that will be asked during a mesothelioma deposition. So it is crucial to pay attention to questions and only answer a question after the opposing counsel has finished asking it.

Nationwide Mesothelioma Lawyers                                                                 

If you or a loved one were diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact our office to speak to one of our experienced nationwide mesothelioma attorneys about your situation. Our office can help investigate your case and determine if compensation can be sought from negligent parties to help pay for your medical treatment.




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