
Mesothelioma | Mesothelioma Pain Management

Mesothelioma Pain Symptoms:  Mesothelioma is an extremely painful cancer.  The most common is pleural mesothelioma or cancer of the lining of the lungs where the majority of patients suffer pain in the lower back and sides of the chest.  Victims of pericardial mesothelioma or cancer of the lining that surrounds the heart often experience chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and constant coughing.  Whereas peritoneal mesothelioma victims may experience severe abdominal pain.

Cause of Mesothelioma Pain:  There are many causes of the mesothelioma pain, but most mesothelioma pain occurs when a tumor presses on nerves or body organs or when the mesothelioma invades bones or body organs.  Mesothelioma treatment such as chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery may also cause pain.

Medicines Used to Treat Mesothelioma Pain:

Mesothelioma pain treatment varies depending on the severity.  It is important to start mesothelioma pain management as early as possible to get the most benefit.  The earlier pain treatment is started, the more effective it is.

Mild to Moderate Mesothelioma Pain:  Typically treated with over-the-counter drugs that do not require a prescription.  These often include aspirin or ibuprofen (Motrin or Aleve) and are called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).  Mesothelioma patients should check with a physician before using these medicines especially if chemotherapy is being administered.

Moderate to Severe Mesothelioma Pain:  Narcotic pain relievers such as morphine, Actiq, Duragesic, Dilaudid, oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet, and Tylox) and codeine are often prescribed to treat moderate to severe mesothelioma pain.  These narcotic pain relievers are often used along with mild pain relievers.

Breakthrough Pain:  A flare-up of pain characterized by rapid onset, severe intensity and short duration is referred to as breakthrough pain.  Mesothelioma breakthrough pain is often treated with onset narcotic pain relievers such as a patient controlled analgesia.  A morphine drip is often used to treat mesothelioma breakthrough pain.  Others include fentanyl and hydromorphine.

Tingling and Burning Pain:  Antidepressants such as Elavil, Pamelor and Norpramine are often used to relieve pain regardless of if the person is depressed.  Anti-seizure medications  are used not only for seizures, but also to control burning or tingling pain or painful symptoms of nerve damage.  These sometimes include Tegretol and Neurontin.  Other drugs used to lessen swelling which often causes pain include corticosteroids such as Deltasone.

Source:  WebMD

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