
Mesothelioma Settlements

The majority of mesothelioma cases never make it to a trial. Instead, it is often beneficial for both sides to agree to a settlement. A defendant may wish to settle to avoid the possibility of having to pay a large award if the case goes to trial. An injured person may find settlement advantageous because it allows faster recovery of compensation and avoids the potential of an unsuccessful lawsuit. The Throneberry Law Group has successfully negotiated for millions of dollars in settlements for the victims of mesothelioma.

How are Mesothelioma Settlements Obtained?

The first step towards obtaining a settlement is contacting an attorney with experience in mesothelioma claims. Your attorney will begin collecting materials to prepare for the filing of a lawsuit against the parties responsible for exposing you to asbestos. At this point, and any time after this, a settlement may be agreed to.

However, it is likely not in the best interests of the plaintiff to agree to a settlement very early in the process. A defendant may offer a low amount early in the hope that the plaintiff will jump at the opportunity to secure compensation. A defendant may offer a greater amount to settle as more information is discovered about the claim. However, in some circumstances, a plaintiff may need immediate compensation due to their particular financial situation. In these situations, accepting an early settlement offer may be the best option.

What Affects the Mesothelioma Settlement Amount?

There are several factors that impact how much a defendant is willing to offer to settle a mesothelioma case, including the following:

● the age of the plaintiff;
● the length of time the plaintiff was exposed to asbestos;
● the diagnosis;
● the plaintiff’s past medical issues;
● the lost wages (both past and future) of the plaintiff as a result of the mesothelioma; and
● the plaintiff’s medical bills.

Another factor is the number of defendants named in the lawsuit. It is common that a person diagnosed with mesothelioma handled many asbestos-filled products that were made by different manufacturers. In situations like this, each manufacturer may be named as a defendant, which could result in a larger total settlement amount than if only one defendant was involved.

Speak with an Attorney

The Throneberry Law Group can help you obtain the resources and compensation you need to fight this horrible disease. In addition, we understand and have compassion for what you are experiencing. Our principal attorney, Michael Throneberry, lost his father to mesothelioma. As a result of this tragic loss, we fight with passion to maximize mesothelioma settlements for mesothelioma victims and their families.

For a no-cost case evaluation, please call us at 888-506-1131 or contact us online.

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