
Seven Myths and Misconceptions About Asbestos and Mesothelioma You Need to Be Aware of in 2024

Unlike before, the dangers of asbestos are now widely known. Many people know that this dangerous substance can cause several serious illnesses, including mesothelioma. However, some people may still have the wrong information about asbestos. There are also some prevalent myths about mesothelioma. In this article, we debunk seven myths and misconceptions about asbestos and mesothelioma you need to be aware of in 2024.

Myth #1: Asbestos is Banned in the United States – False

While over sixty countries have implemented a national ban on asbestos, this substance is not banned in the United States of America. However, after the dangers of asbestos became widely known, asbestos use became heavily restricted. Several agencies govern and restrict asbestos use in the United States, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Myth #2: Only Individuals Who Work With Asbestos Can Develop Mesothelioma – False

While occupational asbestos exposure is the most likely way of developing mesothelioma, it is not the only way. Interacting with someone who works with asbestos can also result in the development of mesothelioma. This is known as second-hand asbestos exposure, and it is just as dangerous as occupational exposure. Environmental exposure is another type of asbestos exposure that can result in a person developing mesothelioma.

Myth #3: A Brief Exposure to Asbestos Cannot Lead to Mesothelioma – False

While the risk of developing mesothelioma may increase with the level of asbestos exposure, even a brief or minimal exposure to this substance can lead to a person developing mesothelioma. It has been found that there is not such a thing as a “safe level of asbestos exposure.”

Myth #4: Mesothelioma Only Affects Older People – False

Mesothelioma is commonly diagnosed in older people who are 65 years or older. This is because mesothelioma has a long latency period. It can take decades for mesothelioma to develop after asbestos exposure. However, the truth is that mesothelioma can affect people of all ages. Cases of mesothelioma in younger people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s have been reported.

Myth #5: Chrysotile Asbestos Is Not Dangerous – False

All forms of asbestos, including chrysotile, are dangerous and can cause mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses. Therefore, chrysotile asbestos should be handled just as carefully as other forms of asbestos.

Myth #6: Mesothelioma Only Affects Men – False

Mesothelioma does not affect men only. While historically, the majority of mesothelioma cases have been diagnosed in men, this type of cancer can affect people of any gender.

Myth #7: Mesothelioma Cannot Be Treated – False

While there is no cure for mesothelioma, several treatment options exist. These options include surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiation therapy. With proper treatment, a mesothelioma patient can survive for long.

Nationwide Mesothelioma Lawyers                       

If you or a loved one were diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact our office to speak to one of our experienced nationwide mesothelioma attorneys about your situation. Our office can help investigate your case and determine if compensation can be sought from negligent parties to help pay for your medical treatment to help you and your family live a more comfortable life.



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