What Triggers Mesothelioma?
Environmental cancer usually has a single major cause. Asbestos exposure is the cause of mesothelioma. This rare and aggressive form of heat-lung cancer is usually fatal. Furthermore, it’s usually fatal less than five years after patients are diagnosed with mesothelioma. Additionally, because mesothelioma is so aggressive, it is one of the most painful kinds of lung cancer. So, the victim’s final few years are very bad years for both them and their families.
Serious diseases like mesothelioma have a high fatality rate, and survivors often have a hard time carrying on with their lives. The financial compensation that a nationwide asbestos lawyer obtains does not begin to fill the emotional void that a wrongful death creates. However, quite frankly, compensation helps. Additionally, many survivors feel better after lawyers hold polluting companies responsible for the injuries they cause.
Why Does Asbestos Cause Cancer?Toxic particles alter cellular DNA, causing cells to multiply too quickly. They collect and form tumors, where they continue to siphon nutrients from the rest of the body. That is why so many cancer victims lose so much weight and are in such constant pain.
Furthermore, asbestos particles cause the body to produce free radical particles. These particles are associated not only with mesothelioma but also with other kinds of cancer.
On a related note, we should discuss asbestos-induced cancer and non-environmental causes, such as lifestyle and genetic issues. This issue is quite common. Tragedies like cancer often have multiple causes.
An asbestos exposure lawyer can obtain maximum compensation if asbestos substantially causes cancer. There is a difference between a substantial cause and a contributing cause. Multiple causes, such as weak airport security, contributed to 9/11. Al Qaeda terrorists substantially caused it.
Asbestos and Lung DiseasesToxic asbestos fibers also cause lung diseases, such as asbestosis. This disease begins in tiny airways inside the lungs, many of which are no larger than the tip of a pencil.
Toxic particles inflame delicate tissues and sear them. The severe burning causes scar tissue buildup. Eventually, the scar tissue blocks these narrow airways.
Much like mesothelioma, asbestosis has a very long latency period. Trouble breathing and other signature symptoms often do not appear for decades. By that time, most asbestosis victims are in their 70s. So, both they and their doctors often ascribe such symptoms to “getting older” as opposed to an environmentally-induced lung disease.
At that point, the best available treatment is a total lung transplant. Many asbestosis victims are so physically frail that such a radical and risky procedure is not an option. As mentioned, defendants cannot use any pre-existing conditions as an excuse to reduce or deny compensation as long as asbestos exposure substantially caused the victim’s illness.
Count On a Diligent AttorneyMesothelioma victims need and deserve significant compensation. For a free consultation with an experienced nationwide mesothelioma lawyer, contact the Throneberry Law Group. Attorneys can connect victims with doctors, even if they have no insurance or money.